
一种角度可变型齿轮箱搅油损失试验机的设计及测试 被引量:5

Design and Test of a Gear Box Churning Torque Loss Tester with Changeable Inclination Angle
摘要 介绍数种国内外学者在研究齿轮箱搅油损失时所使用的试验机的结构及设计思路。针对其中存在的机身笨重,齿轮箱部分无法实现角度变换等问题,设计一种新型的角度可变型多用途试验机。实际测试表明,所设计的试验机具有良好的可操作性,可用于模拟各种工况进行实验,并特别适合进行同齿轮箱角度相关的搅油损失实验研究;通过在齿轮箱内加入不同的填充物改变齿轮箱内壁的形状,可用于研究内壁形状对搅油损失的影响。 Design principle and structures of several gearbox churning loss testers used by former researchers from home and abroad were introduced.To overcome the defect of cumbersomeness and unrotatable gearbox part, a new muhiuse tester with changeable inclination angle was developed.According to the test data,the new tester is proved to be flexible and fitting for churning loss experiments under many different working conditions, especially for those concerned with the effect of gearbox inclination.By adding additional insertions with different shape into the gearbox, the new tester can be used to investigate the influence of inner wall shape of gearbox on churning torque loss.
出处 《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期93-98,共6页 Lubrication Engineering
关键词 搅油损失 齿轮箱 润滑油 churning loss gearbox lubrication oil
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