从STEP AP-203文件中提取出的几何信息不等同于零件的加工特征,并不能直接用于工艺设计。因此要建立零件的STEP-NC信息模型就必须进行特征识别。本文以型腔特征作为研究对象,研究了基于AP-203的型腔特征识别的方法,提出了利用特征痕迹的几何推理方法结合STEP文件信息模型的特点来对STEP文件进行型腔特征识别的具体方法和策略,并且该方法可扩展到其余二轴半制造特征。
Taking the pocket feature as the research object in the text, the recognition method of pocket feature based on AP203 has been studied. The specific methods and strategies of pocket feature recognition have been gained to STEP file by use of feature hint geometry induced method combing with STEP file information model feature. Moreover, this method can be extended into the rest of two and a half shaft manufacturing features.
China Metalforming Equipment & Manufacturing Technology
陕西广播电视大学 2014 年度科研项目(14D-08-B01)