利用2000年3月——2014年12月TERRA/MOPITT CO柱总量数据,研究了全球及中国区域大气CO柱总量的时空变化特征。分析表明,北半球大气CO柱总量显著高于南半球。中国东部是全球CO高值区,青藏高原、格陵兰岛、南美洲西部沿海安第斯山脉为全球CO低值区。CO柱总量在全球范围内表现出显著的季节变化,北半球CO含量在北半球春季最高,北半球冬季达到最低;南半球CO含量在南半球春季最高,南半球秋季达到最低。在月时间尺度上呈现出规律性波动,高值月份分别出现在3—4月、9—10月,低值时段分别出现在7月和1月。中国区域CO柱总量呈东高西低的阶梯状分布,东部的高值区主要分布在河北南部、山东西部、河南东部。中国区域CO柱总量在春季最高,南方地区在夏季达到最低值;北方地区在秋季达到最低值。对全球和中国区域CO含量长时间序列分析显示,2011—2014最近4年全球及中国区域大气CO柱总量呈下降趋势。中国东部沿海经济区和南部沿海经济区的年下降速率在1%左右,大西北经济区下降幅度最小。
With the monthly data of the TERRA/MOPITF CO column from March 2000 to December 2014, the temporal and spatial distributions and the change of the carbon monoxide content in atmosphere in the global and China-based regions are analyzed. It is shown that the CO column in the northern hemisphere is siguificantly larger than that in the southern hemisphere. The east China is the highest value zone of CO content over the whole world, meanwhile, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Greenland, and the Andes along the coast of the west of South America are the low value areas for the CO column. The temporal distribution of the global CO column sees a regular pattern of seasonal fluctuations, the CO column in the northern hemisphere reaches the peak in spring of the northern hemisphere and falls down to the lowest value in winter of the northern hemisphere. Similarly, the CO colunm in the southern hemisphere ascends to the peak in spring of the southern hemisphere and descends to the lowest value in winter of the northern hemisphere. One sees a regular pattern of monthly variation for Global CO column, with two periods of the highest and the lowest CO columns, respectively. The highest value of CO column appears from March to April and from September to October The lowest value appears in July and January. The CO column in China also sees a significant character of spatial and temporal distributions, the CO column in the east of China is much higher than that in the west of China. The high value areas of the CO column in the east of China mainly locate in the south of Hebei Province, the west of Shandong Province and the east of Henan Province. The period of the highest CO total column in China is spring, however, the periods of the lowest value of CO total column are asynchronous in the south of China and the north of China. The lowest value in the south of China occurs in summer and the lowest value in the north of China occurs in autumn. The long-term temporal change of the CO column in the global and China-based regions are also analyzed. It is demonstrated that the CO columns in the global scale and ,in China since 2011 are generally in a descending trend. Among the eight economic zones of China, the descending trends of the coastal economic zone in the east of China and the south of China are significant, and the rate is about 1% per year, the economic zone in the northwest of China has the smallest decreasing rate.
Science & Technology Review