

Exercise intensity induced the transduction of IRS-2 in skeletalmuscle of T2DM rats
摘要 为了观察不同运动强度对SD大鼠骨骼肌细胞胰岛素受体底物-2(IRS-2)蛋白含量及磷酸化的影响,先建立2型糖尿病大鼠模型,建模后将SD大鼠分为6组:对照组及糖尿病对照组(n=10)和糖尿病运动组(15 m/min组(n=9),20 m/min组(n=10),25m/min组(n=10),30m/min组(n=9)).运动组跑台连续运动6周,每天50min.用Western blot(免疫印迹法)检测鼠肌细胞IRS-2蛋白含量及磷酸化程度.实验结果发现,与糖尿病对照组相比,15、20、25、30m/min组鼠肌IRS-2蛋白含量分别升高17%(P<0.05)、24.4%、23.4%和21.3%(P<0.01);15、20、25、30m/min组鼠肌IRS-2磷酸化分别升高34.7%、37.2%、40.2%和38.8%(P<0.01).实验结果提示,不同运动强度对IRS-2含量产生显著影响,而对IRS-2磷酸化程度不产生明显影响. The study aim to explore effects of different intensity exercise on IRS-2protein expression rats with diabetes.Sixty SD rats were divided into six groups:normal control group(NC),diabetes mellitus group(DMC),15m/min group,20m/min group,25 m/min group and 30 m/min group.The exercise groups did the running exercise each day for 50 min,lasting for six weeks.The contents of IRS-2protein were measured by Western bolt analysis.The contents of IRS-2protein in exercise groups enhanced up(P〈0.01)compared with the DMC group;25and 30m/min groups has the significant difference(P〈0.01 and P〈0.05)compared with 15 and 20m/min group,respectively.The tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-2protein in exercise groups enhanced up(P〈0.01)compared with the DMC group,but still in a lower level compared with the NC group.20、25and30m/min groups have the significant differences(P〈0.01 and P〈0.05)compared with 15m/min group,respectively.20 and 25m/min groups have the significant differences(P〈0.05)compared with 30m/min group,respectively.The results showed that the different intensity exercise can affect the contents of IRS-2protein and the tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-2protein in skeletal muscle in T2 DM rats.
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2015年第3期421-426,共6页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家体育总局武术研究院武术研究项目(WSH2013B002) 辽宁省教育厅科学技术研究项目(20060474)
关键词 运动强度 糖尿病大鼠 骨骼肌 IRS-2 exercise intensity type 2diabetic rat skeletal muscle IRS-2
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