
本轮石油价格变动分析及趋势预测 被引量:1

An Analysis of Oil Price Variation in the Last Stage and Its Trend Prediction
摘要 2014年下半年,受美国页岩油技术突破、世界经济疲软、国际资本做空市场等因素影响,国际原油市场价格大幅下跌,世界能源与贸易秩序面临重大调整。在分析本轮石油价格变动带来的巨大影响基础上,研究了导致石油价格变动的主要影响因素,并对未来一段时期石油价格的变动趋势做了整体判断,最后提出了相关政策建议。 In the second half of 2014, the international crude oil market price collapsed drastically due to the technology breakthrough of US shale oil, weak global economy, international capital shorting market and other factors, and the world energy and trade order need to be adjusted. Based on analyzing the huge impact of oil price variation in this last stage, this paper studies the main influencing factors, presents a whole judgment on the oil price variation trend for a period in the future, and finally puts forward relevant policy suggestion.
作者 钟玮
出处 《价格月刊》 北大核心 2015年第9期46-49,共4页
关键词 石油价格 变动分析 趋势预测 oil prices variation analysis trend prediction
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