
信息不对称调节下网站质量对购买意愿影响的实证研究 被引量:4

Empirical Research Towards the Effect of Website Quality on Purchase Intention——under the Regulatory Role of Asymmetric Information
摘要 信息不对称已经成为网络购物发展的一大阻碍。为了搞清楚在信息不对称条件下网站质量如何影响感知质量和购买意愿,构建了信息不对称条件下网站质量各维度对感知质量和购买意愿影响的理论模型,利用smartpls2.0软件,探讨了信息不对称在网络购物中的作用。结果表明:网站质量对感知质量、感知质量对购买意愿均有显著的正向影响;信息不对称程度对感知质量的负向影响不显著,而对购买意愿有显著的负向影响;信息不对称程度在网站质量影响感知质量的过程中起着正向调节的作用,对感知质量影响购买意愿的过程调节作用不显著。 Asymmetric information becomes a big obstacle for the further development of online shopping.To understand how website quality affect customer perceived quality and customer purchase intentionunder the condition of information asymmetric, We Constructed a model of website quality influence onperceived quality and purchase intention under the condition of asymmetric information, usingsmartpls2.0, we discussed the role of asymmetric information in the network shopping. The results showthat information asymmetric has a significant negative effect on purchase intention,but not on perceivedquality; information asymmetric plays a positive regulatory role in the process of site quality affects theperceived quality, but not act as a regulatory role in the process of perceived quality impacts purchaseintention.
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期85-90,共6页 Information Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71271164) 教育部博士学科基金(博导类)项目(201202031 10021)
关键词 网站质量 感知质量 信息不对称 购买意愿 website quality perceived quality ssymmetric information purchase intention
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