目的:了解护士对责任制护理模式的认识现状、实施现状,正确评价护士认识上存在的问题,以便采取相应对策,完善责任制护理模式,更好地开展优质护理服务。方法采用自行设计的问卷,对本院住院部病房护士409人,进行问卷调查。结果100%护士都能接受责任制护理模式,认为责任制护理模式能提高护理质量和患者对护理工作的满意度;93.03%的护士认为能提高护士专业技能;86.32%的护士认为能增强护士对护理专业发展的信心;85.82%的护士认为能使医护之间的配合更默契,沟通更顺畅,医生对护士工作更满意。同时69.15%的护士认为能体现多劳多得、绩效考核,76.62%的护士适应 APN 排班模式。结论100%护士都认同责任制护理模式,达到了患者满意、社会满意、政府满意、医生满意、医院满意的效果,但对于 APN 排班模式和绩效考核方面还有待探讨,希望能探索出更科学的排班模式和绩效考核方案。
Objective To explore the responsibility-targeted nursing model and provide more quality nursing service the corresponding measures be implemented on the basis of an objective evaluation of problems arose from the nurses' cognition of the model by means of the knowledge of present situation of how the nurses think of this model and how it works. Methods Self-designed questionnaire was used to 409 nurses who were from inpatient wards of our own hospital. Results 100% of the nurses accepted the responsibility-targeted nursing model which considered it could im-prove the quality of nursing service and the patients' satisfaction; 93. 03% of them assumed that it could urge them to develop their professional skills; 86. 32% considered that it was helpful to boost their confidence in the development of the nursing speciality; 85. 82% considered that it could make the doctors and nurses cooperate more closely and commu-nicate with each other more smoothly, thus the doctors will be more satisfied with nurses' work. Meanwhile, 69. 15% be-lieved that this model also reflected the idea of performance assessment of " more pay for more work" ; 76. 62% of them already got used to the APN scheduling model. Conclusion 100% nurses agree with responsibility-targeted nursing model, which achieve the effect of patients satisfaction, society satisfaction, government satisfaction, doctor satisfaction, hospital satisfaction, but APN scheduling model and performance assessment should be discussed and more scientific APN scheduling model and performance assessment are to be produced.
international journal of nursing
Responsibility-targeted nursing model
Quality of nursing
Degree of satisfaction
Scheduling model
Performance assessment