
数字化时代的STEM教育与创客教育 被引量:154

STEM Education and Maker Education in the Digital Age
摘要 在数字化时代,强调跨学科的STEM教育与强调创造的创客教育正在悄然改变着教与学。本研究比较了STEM教育与创客教育在概念起缘、教育目标、教育内容、教育过程和师生关系的异同,力求揭示两者在课程设置、评价体系、资源整合和师生能力等面临的问题与挑战。 Because of the impact of digital age, STEM education that emphasizes interdisciplinary learning and mak- er education focusing on the creation of artifacts are changing the means and methods of teaching and learning. This article compares the differences between STEM education and maker education in terms of concept origin, educational goals, instructional process ~ and teacher-student relationship. In STEM education, teachers need to pay more attention to the students" learning path and support or help students acquire better analysis and problem solving skills. Maker education requires students to study more actively and to become the master of learning, rather than passively waiting for the teachers ' guidance. Students need to take the initiative to find, explore, and solve the problem using different digital tools. This article is to uncover the issues and challenges associated with these two types of education in terms of curricu- lum setting, evaluation, resources as well as abilities of teachers and students. In the future, students will often solve problems using interdisciplinary knowledge in STEM education. Students will also be more effective in using digital technologies and digital tools to create artifacts based on their own innova- tive ideas. Maker education will help more students expand learning vision and enhance creator roles. Both STEM education and maker education are emerging fields. Their relationship, challenges, and problems are still in constant change. In the digital age, STEM education and maker education are becoming the key parts of the existing education system, which may challenge the traditional education system fundamentally,
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期35-40,共6页 Open Education Research
基金 2013年度上海市教育科学研究重大项目(长周期)"现代信息技术对教育教学的重大影响研究"(D1304)
关键词 STEM教育 创客教育 创客 STEM education maker education : maker
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