
我国大学英语教师专业发展共同体建设研究 被引量:98

An empirical study on the construction and effectiveness of a professional development community of college English teachers in China
摘要 本研究对教师发展途径之一专业学习共同体建设的有效性进行了实证考察。研究以华中地区某部属高校的大学英语教师专业发展共同体建设为案例,通过收集、分析定量(问卷)和定性(日志、访谈)数据,发现共同体建设确实能够促进教师专业发展,其中起促进作用的主要因素是:共同体内有效的人际互动、尊重与传播教师个人实践性知识、课程改革及其对普通教师的赋权。 This empirical study examined the effectiveness of professional learning communities in teachers' profes- sional development. The study observed and investigated the construction of a professional learning community ( Pro- fessional Development Community of College English Teachers) in a first-tier university in central China. It collected quantitative data through a questionnaire survey and qualitative data through teacher journals and interviews. The findings from the statistical analysis revealed that the construction of the community did enhance the college English teachers' professional development. Three factors in particular contributed to the teachers' professional development, namely effective interaction among the teachers within the community, respect for and spread of practical knowledge of individual teachers, and the college English curriculum reform with the teacher empowerment implemented in the whole course of the reform.
作者 郭燕 徐锦芬
机构地区 华中科技大学
出处 《外语界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期79-87,共9页 Foreign Language World
基金 湖北省教学改革研究项目"大学英语教师发展共同体建设的研究与实践"(编号2013049)的部分成果
关键词 专业发展共同体 大学英语教师 互动 实践性知识 教师赋权 professional development community college English teachers interaction practical knowledge teacher empowerment
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