
The Quality Characteristics of Eggs: Impact on the Volume of Allantoin-Amniotic Fluid of Chicken Embryos

The Quality Characteristics of Eggs: Impact on the Volume of Allantoin-Amniotic Fluid of Chicken Embryos
摘要 In this paper, the eggs' weight, quality characteristics ( albumen density, shell quality, yolk size), and egg weight loss during incubation having impact on volume of allantoin-anmiotic fluid are considered. The major parameters that should be taken into account when creating specialized population of chickens for the production of DEC ( developing embryos of chickens) are determined. In this paper, the eggs' weight, quality characteristics ( albumen density, shell quality, yolk size), and egg weight loss during incubation having impact on volume of allantoin-anmiotic fluid are considered. The major parameters that should be taken into account when creating specialized population of chickens for the production of DEC ( developing embryos of chickens) are determined.
出处 《Animal Husbandry and Feed Science》 CAS 2015年第3期140-143,共4页 动物与饲料科学(英文版)
基金 Supported by the Major Agricultural Projects of Major Scientific and Technological Projects of Department of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province(2014C02001) The Zhejiang Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements Transformation Project"Featured Poultry Genetic Resources in Zhejiang Province-Lingkun Chicken Demonstration"
关键词 Developing embryos of chickens Albumen density Shell strength Yolk size Allantoic and anmionic fluid volume Developing embryos of chickens Albumen density Shell strength Yolk size Allantoic and anmionic fluid volume
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