目的:评价中文版安全态度调查问卷的信度和效度,验证其在我国文化背景下适用的科学性。方法:对362名医务人员进行问卷调查,评价问卷的信度和效度。结果:中文版安全态度调查问卷总的Cronbach’sα系数为0.940;各条目与所属维度相关系数范围0.511-0.897,各维度与问卷总分相关系数范围0.384-0.852,且均具有统计学意义(P<0.001);全部36个条目的因子载荷范围为0.164-0.907(P<0.01),其中3个条目的载荷小于0.400,多因子分析结果 CMIN/DF=2.305,RMR=0.073,GFI=0.832,AGFI=0.801,CFI=0.907,RMSEA=0.060,各拟合指数在可被接受水平。结论:初步验证了中文版安全态度调查问卷具有极好的信度和可接受的效度,可用于我国医务人员患者安全文化测评。
Objective: To evaluate the reliability and validity of Chinese Version Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) and verify the appli- cability on the background of China. Methods: Totally 362 medical staffs were surveyed with the questionnaire on patient safety culture. The re- suits were used to assess the reliability and validity of Chinese Version SAQ. Results: The Cronbach 's α coefficient of the questionnaire was 0. 940 ; the range of Pearson correlation coefficient between each item and its dimension was 0.511 - 0. 897 (P 〈0. 001 ), and that between each dimension and questionnaire score was 0.384 - 0. 852 ( P 〈 0.001 ) ; factor loadings to all 36 items were 0. 164 - 0.907 ( P 〈 0.01 ) with 3 factor loadings less than 0.400. The multiple factor analysis results showed CMIN/DF = 2. 305, RMR = 0. 073, GFI = 0. 832, AGFI = 0. 801, CFI =0. 907, RMSEA =0. 060, and all index were acceptable. Conclusion: Chinese Version SAQ was preliminarily proved to have excellent reliability and acceptable validity. It can be applied to assessing patient safety culture of medical staffs in China.
Medicine and Society