
大学教师组织公民行为特征:学生眼中的好老师 被引量:3

The Features of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Universities:good teacher in students' eyes
摘要 受教育者对教师的评价可以为高校教师在确定职业锚以及职业生涯规划时指明方向。除了教学和科研,大学生还期望教师有哪些行为表现。为了更好地了解学生所期待的教师组织公民行为特征,对处于本科阶段学习的人文社科专业学生进行开放式问卷调查发现,对于本科阶段学生而言,高校教师组织公民行为主要表现为关注学生学习、生活、全面发展以及教师自我提升,这有利于引导高校教师找到自己的职业锚,成为学生眼中的好老师。 The evaluation from eduatee can point the career anchor and career planning for the college teachers. In addition to teaching and research,what is the except of the college students in teachers' behavior? In order to understand the characteristic of teachers' organizational citizenship behavior, we conducted a survey on the undergraduate students who majored in humanities, exactly, for undergraduate students, the teachers' organizational citizenship behavior mainly pay close attention to students' study,life, overall development and self- promoting, which is helpful to find their own career orientation and become a good teacher in students' eyes.
作者 夏珺
机构地区 江西财经大学
出处 《南昌师范学院学报》 2015年第5期46-49,共4页 Journal of Nanchang Normal University
基金 江西省高等学校教学改革研究课题"高校教师组织公民行为与学生课堂学习积极性的关系研究"的阶段性成果之一 编号:JXGJ-13-32-4
关键词 教师组织公民行为特征 学生评价 职业锚 the characteristic of teachers' organizational citizenship behavior the evaluation from students the career an-chor
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