历代关于《橘颂》意旨主要是两个方面不能统一 :一是《橘颂》的写作时间 ,早年 ?晚年 ?二是《橘颂》歌颂的对象 ,屈原自己 ?君子 ?楚王 ?又有一个共通点 :《橘颂》是托物言志、借物抒情。笔者从与屈原的其他作品思想的比较中得出结论 :《橘颂》的写作时间当是屈原青年时代从政初期。《橘颂》歌颂的对象应是橘树。同时 ,笔者以为此文是解读屈子精神的重要文献 ,但历来因为屈原的另一篇文章《离骚》
In history, the theme of Ode to Citrus has been argued in two aspects: one is about the time that QU Yuan wrote the book, and the other is about who he sang about in this book. However, there is one agreement in the argument: QU Yuan expressed his feelings and ambitions through this book. This article concludes that this book was written in his youth when he began his political career; he sang about citrus; meanwhile, this paper thinks that this book is am important document to show QU Yuan's spirit but it is forgotten because of his another masterpiece Lisao.
Journal of China Three Gorges University(Humanities & Social Sciences)