
重点高中能否提高学生的学业成绩--基于F县普通高中的一个断点回归设计研究 被引量:17

Does Key Senior High Schools Improve Students' Academic Performance? A Regression Discontinuity Study in County F
摘要 本文使用F县两届普通高中学生全样本数据,利用普通高中招生录取方式对学生能否进入重点高中产生的外生影响,根据断点回归设计的原理,研究了重点高中对学生学业成绩的影响。估计结果表明,就理科生来看,重点高中学生的高考总成绩、数学和语文成绩都高于一般高中,但从数值上看,这一差异并不大;就文科生来看,重点高中与一般高中无显著差别。这说明,重点高中对学生学业成绩仅产生了微弱的正面影响。但由于学习能力和学习基础较好的学生更愿意选择理科,重点高中对不同学科类别学生学业成绩的影响反映的可能是重点高中对不同学习能力和学业基础学生学业成绩的影响。不同学科对学校资源的依赖性不同、学校内部在不同学科资源配置的偏好不同也可能导致这种影响的学科差异。此外,重点高中对女生学业成绩的影响更大,对城市学生高考成绩的影响明显大于农村学生,但对农村学生数学和语文成绩的影响更大。 Taking advantage of the exogenous influence generated by the method of senior high school admission,this paper examines the effect of key senior high schools on students' academic achievements in county F using regression discontinuity design.It indicates that,for science students,the total test scores,Chinese test scores and math test scores of key senior high school students are all significantly higher than those of other senior high schools,but the difference between two groups is not large;and for liberal arts students,the effect of key senior high schools is not significant.It implies that key senior high schools have only a slight positive effect on students' academic performance.However,the results should be interpreted with caution,because;1) students with better performance in the High School Entrance Examination may prefer to become science students,so that the difference might be for better-performed students,instead of science students;2) both the degree of dependence on school resources for different disciplines and the different preference for school resource allocation might result in different effects in different disciplines.Besides,the effect of key senior high schools is heterogeneous,with a larger effect for girls and for city students in terms of total test scores,while a larger effect for rural students in terms of Chinese test scores and math test scores.Our conclusion is subject to limitations of the special sample as well as specific methods,and need to be further verified with richer data.
作者 王骏 孙志军
出处 《北京大学教育评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期82-109,186,共28页 Peking University Education Review
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