
突发信号前向频偏估计方法综述 被引量:8

Research on Feedforward Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithms in Burst Communication
摘要 突发通信具有抗干扰、低截获等优点,已成为数字通信的重要方式。在突发通信模式的载波同步问题中,前向频率估计算法因具有估计速度快、不存在挂起现象的优点而得到广泛使用。介绍了频域上的Rife算法和Quinn算法,时域上的Fitz算法、L&R算法和M&M算法几种经典频偏估计方法,分析了算法的基本思想并对其进行了数值仿真和性能比较。其次,介绍了几种近些年的最新算法,这些算法相对于经典算法在一定程度上有了很大改进,但是在实际应用中依然存在一些局限性,因此,进一步了解并提出计算更加简单、精度更高、估计范围更广的高效频率估计算法依然是当前的发展方向。 The burst communication, duo to its advantages like anti-jamming and low intercept probability, has become an important way of digital communication.The feedforward carrier frequency offset estimation has the advantages of fast estimation rate and no delay phenomenon, so it has been widely used in carrier synchronization of burst communication. Firstly, the paper introduces the Rife Algorithms and the Quinn Algorithms in frequency domain,the Fitz Algorithms, the L&R Algorithms and the M&M Algorithms in time domain,analyzes their basic ideas, then makes simulation of them and compares them with each other. Secondly, the paper introduces several latest algorithms,which have improved a lot, although, some limitations still exist in the practical application, in the hope of motivating the research in the field.
出处 《无线电通信技术》 2015年第6期10-15,26,共7页 Radio Communications Technology
关键词 突发信号 载波同步 前向频偏估计 burst-mode communication carrier synchronization feedforward frequency offset estimation
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