
Ⅱ期尿道自体培植术修复先天性尿道下裂 被引量:1

To cultivate neourethra of autologous for hypospadias repair
摘要 目的:介绍一种保留尿道板尿道自体培植技术修复先天性尿道下裂新方法。方法第Ⅰ期行尿道培植,沿尿道口 U 型切开尿道板,并部分矫正阴茎下曲,尿道板卷管用6—0可吸收线缝合,尿道正位开口于阴茎头部,切开阴囊中膈游离暴露肉膜组织,将新尿道包埋于阴囊肉膜组织中;6个月后行第Ⅱ期阴茎成形,游离尿道与阴囊肉膜组织,阴茎皮肤脱套游离至阴茎根部,完全矫正阴茎下曲,阴茎阴囊皮肤成形,结束手术。结果217例接受尿道自体培植Ⅱ期尿道成形术,年龄3个月至7岁,平均1.6岁,其中远侧型122例,近侧型95例。术后出现尿道皮肤瘘11例(5.07%),尿道狭窄5例(2.30%),阴茎下曲畸形复发8例(3.69%),所有病例术后并发症的发生率11.06%。结论尿道自体培植术可有效降低尿道下裂术后并发症、提高手术成功率。 Objetive To describe a new technique which to cultivate neourethra of autologous(CUA) for hypospadias repair. Methods 217 patients of hypospadias,age ranged between 3 months to 7years (mean,1 .6 years),The primary distal and proximal has 122 cases and 95 cases respectively.First,The ure-thral plate to reconstruct a neourethra.Incision the medium of scrotum and take plated the neourethra with sar-colemma of scrotum.Second,After 6 months of operation,performed second operation which.freed the neourethral with sarcolemma and scrotum,Chordee was identified by artificial erection and reconstructed the skin of penis.Results 217 cases performed CUA technique in cure group,among 11 cases(5.07%)devel-oped urethral fistula,5 cases(2.30%)urethral constriction,8 cases(3.69%)reoccurrence of clubbed penis. the rate of operation complication of is 11 .06%.Conclusions The CUA technique is a reliable technique for hypospadias repair.It has particular value is abundant blood supply to tissue of the new construction urethra, pledge the new urethral continue growth,reduce incidence rate of the complication of operation such as the ure-thral fistula or constriction,and reoccurrence of clubbed penis,achieve hypothetical cure effect for hypospadias repair.
出处 《临床小儿外科杂志》 CAS 2015年第5期402-404,424,共4页 Journal of Clinical Pediatric Surgery
关键词 尿道下裂 移植 自体 儿童 Hypospadias Transplantation,Autologous Child
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