The etiology and pathogenesis of infantile enterospasm lie in improper diet, cold attack or depressed feelings which leads to malfunction of the spleen to transport, abnormal ascending and descending of the middle energizer qi, stagnated qi and blood in the meridians and thus stagnation leads to pain. Professor Liu makes a point of differentiating the cold, heat, deficiency and excess and the accompanying general condition. Based on the conditions, he categorized this disease into the following syn- dromes for the treatment. Syndrome of milk-food stagnation should be treated with the principle of digesting food and promoting digestion, moving qi and resolving blood, with modified Baohe Pill for the treatment. Syndrome of deficient cold in the middle energizer should t^e treated with the principle of warming the interior and dispelling cold, activating qi to stop pain, with modified Lizhnng Decoction for the treatment. Syndrome of heat accumulation in the spleen and stomach should be treated with the princi- ple of clearing heat and inducing defecation, activating qi to stop pain, with modified Chengqi Decoction. Syndrome of liver qi depression shouht be treated with the principle of dispersing liver and regulating qi, harmonizing stomach to stop pain, with modi- fied Chaihu Shugan Powder.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
infantile enterospasm
Liu Yongye
Baohe Pill
Lizhong Decoction
Chengqi Decoction
Chaihu Shugan Powder