1Manyika,J.,M.Chui,B.Brown,J.Bughin,R.Dobbs,C.Roxburgh,and A.H.Byers.2011.Big Data:The Next Frontier for Innovation,Competition,and Productivity.McKinsey Global Institute.Looks at innovation and competitive advantages for industries using big data,including health care,retail,and use of personal location.p.1.
8Big data:The next frontier for innovation, competition,and pro- ductivity.
9The New York Times. The Age of Big Data [EB/OL]. [2012-05-23]. http//: nytimes.com/2012/02/12/sunday-review/big-datas-im- pact-in-the -world.hpagewanted=all.
10The Wall Street Journal.Big-Data Success Stories:Splunk [EB/OL].[2012-07-19].