

Effects of Transformation of 75t/h Fuel Gas Boiler Burner on NO_x Concentration in the Emission Gas
摘要 为了使某单位2台75t/h中压燃油燃气锅炉的烟气排放达到环保排放国家标准,同时锅炉的生产能力达到生产需要与工艺指标,通过更换燃料、设计改造燃烧器的排布及数量,使锅炉的燃烧及尾气的排放达到标准.结果表明:通过合理设计,燃烧器的排布由横向2台改成3台,则每个机组的燃烧器由4台增加至6台;燃料由油和炼厂燃料气的混合料变为纯天然气,则在提高燃料燃烧效率的同时,烟气排放达到国家标准.其中烟尘质量浓度≤40mg/m^3,烟尘黑度为林格曼黑度1级,烟气含量中氧含量约3%(干基容积百分数),NO_x质量浓度≤200 mg/Nm^3,CO质量浓度≤100mg/Nm^3,SO_2质量浓度≤100mg/Nm^3. In order to reduce the gas emission of two 75 t/h fuel gas boiler burners and the flue gas emission complied with the environment targets, and the production capacity of the boiler to meet the production needs and process indicators, the arrangement and the number of the gas boiler burner were redesigned and the fuel was replaced. Results showed that with rational design, the arrangement of burner was arranged from 2 units to 3 units in horizontal direction, and the numbers of burner increased from 4 to 6 units. The fuel was replaced from the mixture of oil and natural gas for natural gas. Under the above conditions, the flue gas emission met the national standards, with specific information as follows: the concentration of smoke dust is no more than 40 mg/m^3 ; the smoke Ringelman blackness was level 1 ; the content of oxygen in the flue gas was about 3%, the concentration of NO:, was no more than 200 mg/Nm^3 ; the concentration of CO was no more than 100 mg/Nm^3 ; and the concentration of SO2 was no more than 100 mg/Nm^3.
作者 孙秀泉
出处 《淮海工学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2015年第4期57-60,共4页 Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology:Natural Sciences Edition
关键词 天然气 燃烧器 低氮燃烧 改造 gas burner low nitrogen eombustion transformation
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