
广东省新一轮制造业产业空间重组及机制研究 被引量:20

The New Round of Manufacture Spatial Restructuring and Mechanism Study in Guangdong Province
摘要 运用GIS空间计量分析法、产业静态和动态区域集聚指数模型以及半结构式企业访谈等方法,对广东省制造业的空间集聚与扩散进行分析。Moran's I指数的分析表明,全省制造业空间集聚性呈现到"U"型分散化趋势,该趋势主要是劳动密集型产业的地理扩散所造成,资本技术密集型产业则表现为明显的集聚性。动态区位熵(D)也证明了珠三角转移扩散而非珠三角地区不断承接劳动密集型产业的过程。最后通过企业访谈重点考察了产业空间重组的动力机制,广东省新一轮产业空间重组是在全球资本流动新特征、国内外经济环境以及政府政策不断变化的背景下产生的,在区域产业转移过程中,政府制度安排起到了关键的作用。 In order to study the spatial process, performance characteristics and dynamic mechanism of the new round of industrial restructuring in Guangdong Province, this paper analyzes the spatial agglomeration and diffusion of manufacturing industry in Guangdong province by means of GIS spatial econometric analysis, industrial static and dynamic regional agglomeration index model and semi structure enterprise interview. The analysis results according Moran's I index of per capita industrial output show that, in recent years, the spatial agglomeration change of the manufacturing industry have the trend of inverse-U shape. This decentralized trend is mainly caused by the geographical spread of labor-intensive and resource-intensive manufacturing industries. While capital and technology intensive industries have an accelerating agglomeration trend. The dynamic location entropy (D) of manufacturing industries also proves that labor-intensive industries constantly transferred from the Pearl River Delta to the fringe region of Guangdong Province, such as Eastern, Western and Northern. While capital and technology intensive industries mainly drive to Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Through semi-structured interviews with enterprises, this paper further analyzes the dynamic mechanism of the industrial spatial restructuring. New characteristics in global capital flows, the changing economic environment at home and abroad, as well as government policy have collectively prompted a new round of industrial spatial restructuring of Guangdong Province, and in the process, the government institutional arrangement plays a key role in coordination and guidance.
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期101-109,共9页 Economic Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41571128 41101129 41271138) 广东省自然科学基金项目(2014A030313740)
关键词 制造业 产业空间重组 机制 广东省 manufacturing industry industrial spatial distribution mechanism Guangdong Province
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