1Ferdinand Lot, La Fin du Monde Antique et Le Dgbut du Moyen age, Paris, 1927, p. 389.
2Colctte Beaune, Le R6ve du Roi Fondateur dans L'Histoire de France, in Gengse de l'#tat moderne en M#diterran#e, Rome : Ecole Franaise de Rome, 1993, pp. 27 -44.
3Ian Wood, ' Deconstructlng the Merovingian Family' , in R. Corradini etc. eds. , The Construction of Communities in the Early Middle Ages: Texts, Resources and Artefacs, Leiden: Bfill, 2003, pp. 149- 172.
4Historiae Libri X, Vol. II, 9. pp. 52-58.
5HistoriaeLibriX, Vol. II. 12, pp. 61 -62.
6Herwig Wolfram, 'The Shaping of the Early Medieval Kingdom', Viator, Vol. 1 (1971), pp. 11-20.
7idem. , The Roman Empire and Its Germanic Peoples, trans. Thomas Dunlap, Berkeley: University of Callfomia Press, 1997.
8Walter Goffart, ' Does the Distant Past Impinge on the Invasion Age Germans?' , in Andrew Gillett ed. , On Barbarian ldent/ty: Critical Approaches to Ethniciy in the Early Middle Ages, Turnhout: Brepols, 2002, pp. 21 -38.