
石家庄市区不同妊娠期妇女尿碘监测结果分析 被引量:1

Monitoring results analysis of pregnant women urinary iodine during different gestational period in Shijiazhuang urban area
摘要 目的通过动态监测石家庄市区妊娠妇女不同妊娠期尿碘水平变化,及时掌握不同时期妊娠妇女的碘营养状况及变化趋势,为不同孕期碘营养指导提供依据。方法采用砷铈催化分光光度法(WS l07-2006)分别检测344名妊娠期妇女早、中、晚三期尿碘含量。结果妊娠早期尿碘中位数为237.8 g/L,处于碘适宜状态;而妊娠中、晚期尿碘中位数均低于150 g/L,处于缺碘状态。妊娠早期尿碘水平与妊娠中期(U=31 666.5,P<0.01)和妊娠晚期(U=32 337.0,P<0.01)尿碘水平差异均有统计学意义,但妊娠中期与妊娠晚期尿碘水平差异无统计学意义(U=57032.5,P>0.05)。妊娠早、中、晚期缺碘率分别为23.55%(81/344)、56.70%(196/344)、58.43%(201/344),差异有统计学意义(χ2=103.76,P<0.01)。不同海产品摄入量对妊娠妇女尿碘水平有影响,每月平均吃海产品不足两次的妊娠妇女尿碘水平显著低于每月平均吃海产品两次及以上者,差异有统计学意义(孕早期:U=7190.0,P<0.05;孕中期:U=4749.0,P<0.05;孕晚期:U=4691.0,P<0.05)。不同学历和收入水平对妊娠妇女尿碘含量没有影响。结论石家庄市区妊娠妇女妊娠早期碘营养处于适宜水平,但妊娠中、晚期处于缺碘状态。妊娠中晚期应多食用富碘海产品,以满足妊娠妇女自身及胎儿的碘营养需求,保护胎儿脑发育。 Objective Through monitoring the dynamic change of urinary iodine concentration in pregnant women during different gestational period in Shijiazhuang urban area,to master their iodine nutrition status and changing trend and lay the foundation for their nutrition guidance. Methods Spectrophotometry catalyzed by arsenic and cerium( WSl07- 2006) was employed to determine the urinary iodine content among the pregnant women during the first,second and third trimester. Results The median of urinary iodine content( UIC) in the first trimester of pregnant women was 237. 8 g / L indicating proper iodine nutrition,while the median of UIC was below 150 g / L in the latter 2 trimester suggesting iodine deficiency. There was a significant difference in the pregnant women's UIC between the first and the second trimester( U = 31666. 5,P 〈0. 01) as well as between the first and the third trimester( U = 32337. 0,P 〈0. 01),while no significant difference was found between the second trimester and the third trimester( U = 57032. 5,P 〈0. 01). Proportion of iodine deficiency of the pregnant women in the first,second and third trimester was 23. 55%,56. 70% and 58. 43%respectively,with a significant difference among trimesters( χ2= 103. 76,P〈 0. 01). Pregnant women 's UIC was impacted by the amount of sea food ingestion. UIC of pregnant women eating sea food less than twice a month was lower than that of pregnant women eating sea food more than twice a month( First trimester: U =7190. 0,P〈 0. 05. Second trimester: U = 4749. 0,P 〈0. 05; Third trimester: U = 4691. 0,P〈 0. 05).Education and income level did not influence the pregnant women urinary iodine content. Conclusions The iodine nutrition of pregnant women was proper in the first trimester in Shijiazhuang urban area,however it was deficient in the second trimester and the third trimester. Pregnant women in the second and third trimesters could increase their intake seafood with high iodine to meet the iodine requirement of their fetuses and themselves,which is very significant to safeguard the brain development of their fetuses.
出处 《医学动物防制》 2015年第11期1244-1246,1249,共4页 Journal of Medical Pest Control
关键词 妊娠妇女 碘营养 动态追踪 Pregnant women Iodine nutrition Dynamic follow-up
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