目的了解钦州市钦南区实施防治艾滋病健康教育与健康促进效果。方法采取"知—信—行理论模式",以部门分工负责、加强监督为工作原则,以艾滋病性病的基本知识和危害、传播途径及预防措施、艾滋病流行的严重性和广泛性、容易感染的高危行为、艾滋病检测结果呈阳性配偶告知的意义、免费咨询及检测政策、突出艾滋病可防可控不可治愈的特点、病死率极高等作为主要内容,针对不同人群广泛开展健康教育与健康促进。对所获得的资料进行总结分析。结果 2010—2014年期间,各类人群防艾知识知晓率明显提高,其中农村居民提高幅度最大(30%);自愿咨询检测艾滋病病毒率增加了111.56%;抗艾滋病病毒治疗率上升了11.20%;新发现的艾滋病病毒感染者由2010年的4.02/万降至2014年的2.44/万,使949人免于感染艾滋病病毒,其中婴儿18人。结论钦南区创新防治艾滋病健康教育与健康促进工作方法,取得显著成效。
Objective To understand the effectiveness of health education and health promotion on AIDS prevention inQinnan District of Qinzhou city. Methods The knowledge- attitude- practice(KAP)model was used and health educationand health promotion were carried out among different population based on the work principal of division and supervision. Thehealth education and promotion included the basic knowledge and damage of the AIDS/STD,the transmission routes andprevention measures,the prevalence of the AIDS,the related high-risk behavior,the significance to tell the spouse of a positiveHIV testing results,the policy of free counseling and testing,the character of no chance for cure and a extremely high mortalityrate and so on. The data were collected and analyzed. Results From 2010 to 2014,the awareness rate of AIDS knowledgeamong different groups was markedly improved,especially among rural residents(30%). The voluntary counseling and testing(VCT)rate increased by 111.56%,and the anti-HIV treatment rate rose by 11.20%.The HIV infection rate declined from 4.02/10 000 in 2010 to 2.44/10 000 in 2014,successfully preventing 949 people from HIV infection,of which 18 were infants.Conclusion The innovation of the health education and health promotion of AIDS prevention had got a remarkable achievement.
China Tropical Medicine
Health education and health promotion
Effect evaluation