为了更好地利用矮秆突变体,对突变体dm676的形态特征、突变基因遗传规律、矮化机理、3个性状一般配合力(General combining ability,GCA)进行了试验研究。从正常玉米自交系M676中发现一矮秆突变体dm676,与野生型相比,其株高降低了2/3,节间数减少且节间长度明显缩短;遗传分析表明,该突变体属于隐性单基因遗传;外施生长素(IAA)和赤霉素(GA3)试验均不能使突变体dm676株高恢复到正常水平,表明该突变不属于IAA或GA3缺乏性突变;石蜡切片结果显示突变体dm676的穗位下1节间表皮细胞明显缩短,且细胞排列较为紊乱,推测突变体节间长度缩短可能由于茎部细胞长度缩短所致;dm676的小区产量性状GCA为正效应,株高、穗位高GCA为负效应,与M676的产量、株高、穗位高的GCA比较差异极显著。结果为进一步矮秆突变基因定位研究、育种应用提供参考。
To make full use of dwarf mutants,dm676 has been researched systematically from such respects as morphological characteristics,the inheritance of mutant gene,dwarfing physiological characteristics and the yield GCA value for three traits. A maize dwarf mutant dm676 was detected from maize inbred line M676. Compared with maize inbred line M676,the plant height of the dwarf mutant dm676 was decreased 2 /3,the internodes number of maize dm676 was reduced,and length of internodes of maize dm676 was shortened. The genetic analysis indicated that the mutant dm676 is controlled by recessive single gene. The mutant phenotype couldn' t recover to wild type phenotype when applied with IAA and GA3,which might indicate the mutant was not belonging to IAA or GA3 deficient mutations. The results of paraffin section showed that epidermal cell of internodes immediately below ear position was significantly shortened and disordered,which might be caused by shortening of cell length of stem cells. The yield GCA value of dm676 was positive while plant height and ear height was negative,which were significant difference to M676. This study could provide new insights for further study for gene mapping and maize breeding.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
重庆市"十二五"重大科技专项(cstc2012gg C80003)
玉米种质前育种研究与育种材料创制项目(cstc2012gg C80004)