
法治理论体系建构刍议——以基本内容为视域 被引量:1

Comment on the Construction of Rule-by-Law Theoretical System——From the Perspective of Basic Content Modern Neoconfucianism
摘要 借助亚里士多德的"四因说",以法治理论的基本内容为视域,可以建构一个相对合理、完备的法治理论体系。就动力因而言,"人治"到"法治"的转化是基于对人性的不信任,直接动因在于防止统治者的恣意。就质料因而言,"恶法"的性质争论远未结束,但追求"良法"是共同愿望,不存在追随"恶法"去作恶的义务。就形式因而言,"形式法治"侧重规范逻辑,"实质法治"侧重道德价值,前者离开后者会变成空洞的形骸,后者离开前者会变成失体的幽灵。就目的因而言,法治既是"治民"又是"治吏",在"法律—官吏—公民"的现代法治结构中,由于官吏身份的特殊性,"治吏"更是法治的核心目的。 Based on Aristotle’s"four causes", a comparatively reasonable, complete rule-by-law theoretical system can be constructed. As for motivation cause, transformation from "rule- by- man" to"rule-by-law"is based on distrust of human nature and direct motivation is to prevent the willfulness of the ruler. As for quality, debate on"evil law"does not end but the pursuit of"good law"is the common wish which does not carry the duty to follow the"evil law". As for form,"formal rule-by-law"emphasizes regulation and logic and "essential rule-by-law"emphasizes moral value with the departure of the former, the latter becoming hollow skeleton and with the departure of the latter, the former formless ghost. As for purpose, rule-by-law is"ruling civilian"as well as"ruling officials"and in the modern rule-by-law structure of"law-official-civilian", due to the specialty of the identity of the officials,"ruling the official"is the core of"rule-by-law".
出处 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期88-95,共8页 Seeking Truth
关键词 法治理论体系 人治与法治 恶法与良法 形式法治与实质法治 治民与治吏 rule-by-law theoretical system rule-by-man and rule-by-law evil law and good law formal rule-by-law and essential rule-by-law ruling civilian and ruling officials
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