
德国社会保障体系中的社会组织 被引量:7

Social Organizations in German Social Security System
摘要 中国社会保障制度的设计学习和借鉴了德国的社会保险模式。社会保障制度的运作不仅需要合理的制度设计,也需要与之相适应的社会治理体系。构成社会治理体系的基础则是多种多样的社会组织。众多的社会组织不仅是社会服务的主要提供者,而且在政府与个人、政府与市场之间建立了一道宽厚的缓冲带。在本轮欧洲债务危机中,德国表现良好,未受到严重的冲击,这与德国运作良好的社会保障制度密切相关。而德国社会保障制度的背后则是由各类社会组织构成的运行体系。中国社会保障制度的改革,不仅需要制度框架的完善,而且也需要在经办、服务、管理等方面加大改革的力度。在这方面,德国社会保障体系中的社会组织可为中国社会保障制度的改革与完善提供有益的借鉴。 The design of China's social security system learned a lot from German's social insurancesystem; however, besides reasonable institutional framework, corresponding social governanceis also crucial for the good operation of social security system. Social organizations, whichcompose the foundation of social governance of a society, serve as not only a buffer stripbetween individuals and government, and between market and government, but also the mainprovider of social services. During the European debt crisis, Germany has performed betterthan other European countries, which the social security system has contributed a lot.However, behind the good- performed social security system, there are diverse and amplesocial organizations that guarantee the operation of social security system. In this paper, threesocial organizations in German social security system will be introduced and reviewed. Chinanow is going to reform and improve the social security, which not only need to reform theinstitutional framework and policy, but also need to pay attention to the management,operation, and social service provision of social security. During this process, the structure,operation, function, regulation of social organizations in social security system in Germanywill provide helpful experience.
作者 王震
出处 《国际经济评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期90-102,6-7,共13页 International Economic Review
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