
教师参与校企合作对学术研究的影响及对策研究:美国经验 被引量:1

Study and Revelation on Teachers' Involvement in UIC and Its Influence on Academic Research Universities of US
摘要 美国大学教师参与校企合作主要通过联合研发、合同研究、咨询等形式实现,这对教师的学术研究带来深刻的影响,其学术成果增加的同时,也使整个教师队伍出现了分化,教师个人不得不面对学术兴趣、角色上的冲突,其科研学术的模式也开始发生改变。对于其中的消极影响,很多大学以及研究机构纷纷采取措施规范教师科研学术行为。然而由于政策、措施本身的缺陷以及教师学术行为存在一定的隐蔽性,教师参与校企合作存在的问题不会在短时间内解决。 American university-industry relation develops mainly in the forms of joint research,contract research,consulting and others,resulting in universities gaining more financial aid and getting affected at the same time,in which the number of academic achievements has risen,new disciplines and departments emerged,and teachers'scientific research and academic model are changing as well.Facing the effects of UIR many universities have enacted policies and measures to regulate teachers'behaviors in scientific research with the expectation of reducing the negative factors.However,some policies and measures itself is a problem that,at the same time,teachers'academic behavior has certain concealment,we conclude that under the influence of UIR problems in teachers'academic research could not be solved in a short time.
出处 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期162-166,共5页 Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
基金 吉林省哲学社会科学规划项目(2011B071)
关键词 美国 校企合作 教师学术 联合研发 US University-Industry Relation Faculty Academia Influence Measures
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