根据油田"十二五"及"十三五"开发规划,2014年至2020年,大庆油田每年将增加压裂井次,单井产生的压裂液量将大幅增加。压裂返排液中含有大量对环境有害的物质,不能直接排放,大量的废液存放在废液坑中存在安全隐患。基于此,油田集成了3套橇装式处理装置用以处理废液池压裂返排液和现场直接返排的废液。根据压裂返排液的水质特点及实验研究结果,制定了"调质—气浮—磁分离"的工艺路线。对三种氧化药剂进行了不同投量和氧化时间的优化试验,1#氧化剂在投加量为100 mg/L、氧化40 min时的黏度去除率达到74%。压裂返排液经橇装装置的调质单元、气浮单元、磁分离单元处理后,其悬浮物、含油量都降低到20 mg/L以下,达到进入联合站的要求。
According to the last two years' plan in "the Twelfth Five-year Plan" and "the Thirteenth Five-year Developing Plan" of Daqing Oilfield, From 2014 to 2020, the oilfield will increase the times of fracturing wells each year and the amount of fracturing fluid produced by single well will increase significantly. Fracturing fluid recovery contains large amounts of environmentally harmful substances, so it can not be directly discharged, thus a large amount of waste fluid stored in the waste pit poses a safety hazard. Basing on this situation, the oiffield can process the fracturing fluid recovery in the waste reservoir and the waste fluid directly from the site. The researchers combine 3 sets of processing devices of skidmounted type and develop a "conditioning, air flotation and magnetic separation" process route according to the water quality characteristics of fracturing fluid recovery and experimental results. The researchers utilize three kinds of oxidation agent; do the optimization of different volumes and oxidation time experiments. Three kinds of oxidants all play the role of viscosity reduction, but 1" oxidant is compared with the other two oxidants, its dosage is 100 mg/L and 40 rain viscosity oxide removal rate can reach 74%. Fracturing fluid recovery is processed after the procedure of conditioning, skid-mounted device, its suspended solids and oil reaching the requirements ofthejoint station. air flotation, and magnetic separation of content are reduced fewer than 20 me/L,
Oil-Gas Field Surface Engineering
fracturing fluid recovery
ultra-magnetic separation
skid mounted unit