
从全球治理视角透析中等强国合作体的意义与前景 被引量:9

An Analysis of the Significance and Future of Middle Power Cooperation from the Perspective of Global Governance
摘要 中等强国合作体是由五个仅次大国的中型力量强国,本着"志趣相投、凝合聚力"的宗旨自发形成的,意图通过集体发声、共同行动来弥补自身相比于大国单个能力的不足,进而成为影响全球治理改革进程和发展方向的重要力量。中等强国合作体成立之初并不被看好,但随着在全球治理领域中的表现日益出色,该国家集合体对全球治理体制改革和发展方向的战略意义不断凸显。特别是在全球治理核心平台的二十国集团机制中,中等强国合作体一定意义上与七国集团和金砖组织形成"三足鼎立"的格局。尽管同七国集团、金砖国家相比,中等强国合作体是三者中最弱的一方,其功能和作用仍旧不够出彩亮眼,但它在全球治理中戏码增加、角色吃重的趋势已经形成。 MIKTA is made up of five middle powers with the spirit of "like-minded, affinity cohesion", banding together into a single informal grouping to make up for the lack of ability of a single country, then to become an important force in the process of reform and development of the global governance. At the be- ginning of the establishment, MIKTA is not optimistic, yet its strategic significance in the reform and devel- opment of the global governance system is increasingly highlighted because of its outstanding performance in this field. Currently, as the main platform of global governance and the backbone of deciding international future order, the G20 constitutes of three components, which is G7, BRICS and MIKTA. Generally speak- ing, G7 and BRICS are two wheels of maintaining the G20 driving. Although MIKTA possesses considera- ble economic importance, but not as much as the global heavyweights in the G7 and BRICS. The success of G20 is based on the foundations of collaborative development and organic unity between the three groups of coun as to tries, which makes MIKTA well-placed to contribute to global governance reform and G20 work as well facilitate solutions to global challenges. The current international landscape requires such an initiative and an increasing role of middle powers.
作者 丁工
机构地区 中国社会科学院
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期39-47,共9页 Pacific Journal
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"全球经济治理结构变化与我国应对战略研究"(14ZDA081)的阶段性成果 "中国-东盟研究院教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划"(CW201417)资助
关键词 MIKTA 全球治理机制 体系变迁 多边合作 新兴大国 MIKTA global governance mechanism system change multi-cooperation emerging power
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