
后量子时代密钥交换协议的分析与设计 被引量:5

On the key exchange for post quantum era
摘要 基于认证密钥交换协议是重要的密码学构件,其设计性能必须高效且抗量子攻击的需求,论述其最新发展状况,包括安全模型的设计和被动安全密钥交换协议及主动安全密钥交换协议的分析与设计等,并根据当今的发展状况指出,设计对称的且安全性可规约到格上标准难题的被动安全密钥交换协议等,将是今后有意义的开放难题。 Considering that authenticated key exchange protoeol is an important cryptographlc primitive, and its performance must be efficient and quantum attack resistant, we give a detailed expouding on the current state of the art in this field, which includs the design o{ security model, the design and analysis of passively secure key exchange protocol and actively secure key exchange protocol respectively. Based on this discussion, some related valuable open problems are pro- posed, such as how to design a passively secure key exchange protocol, which is symmetrical and whose security can be stipulated to the standard problem on lattice.
出处 《西安邮电大学学报》 2016年第1期1-6,共6页 Journal of Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications
基金 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(2015A030313379) 广州市科技计划资助项目(156500043)
关键词 密码学 公钥密码体制 密钥交换 格密码 cryptography, public key cryptosystem, key exchange, lattice-based cryptography
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