
80例急诊内科抢救昏迷患者的临床诊断及治疗 被引量:2

Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment in 80 Comatose Patients by Emergency Medical Treatment in the Internal Medicine Department
摘要 目的探讨急诊内科昏迷患者的临床诊断及治疗方法。方法随机选取本院2013年9月~2015年7月急诊内科收治的昏迷患者80例,对其临床资料进行回顾性分析,对患者的昏迷病因及其治疗方法、效果进行观察记录。结果本次研究中,80例急诊内科昏迷患者中以脑血管疾病和有机磷中毒所致昏迷最为常见,分别占整体的33.75%、30.00%,其中以原因不明昏迷和脑血管疾病所致死亡率最高,分别为100.00%、33.33%。结论脑血管疾病、有机磷中毒是常见的急诊昏迷病因,患者入院后应尽快开展相关临床检查,并给予患者必要的基础治疗以维持生命体征平稳,从而尽量降低死亡风险。 Objective To investigate the clinical diagnosis and treatment of comatose patients in emergency medicine. Methods 80 comatose patients were randomly selected from emergency internal medicine departmentn September 2013 ~ July 2015,analyzed the clinical data retrospectively,Observed and recorded the patients of coma causes, and treatment methods and effects. Results In this study, the most common coma caused by Cerebrovascular disease and organic phosphorus pesticide poisoning in 80 cases of coma patients in emergency medicine,accounted for 33.75% and 30.00% respectively,in which the unexplained coma and cerebral vascular disease caused the highest mortality,accounted for 100.00% and 33.33% respectively. Conclusion Cerebrovascular diseases, organophosphate poisoning is a common cause of emergency room unconscious, should be undertaken as soon as possible after admission clinical examination, and treatment administered to the patient in order to maintain the necessary infrastructure vital signs were stable, thereby minimizing the risk of death.
作者 杨莹
出处 《中国卫生标准管理》 2015年第33期69-71,共3页 China Health Standard Management
关键词 急诊内科 昏迷 诊断与治疗 Emergency medicine Coma Diagnosis and treatment
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