
司法责任制若干问题之探讨 被引量:54

Discussion on the Issues of Judicial Liability System
摘要 在新一轮司法改革中,司法责任制被置于一个基础性的地位,被称之为改革的"牛鼻子"。构建和完善司法责任制,是司法公正的重要保障,是权责统一原则的必然要求,也是中西方司法文明共同的经验汇集。司法责任制以司法独立为前提,以提高司法职业待遇为保障,是一个价值多元化的责任制度。在进行制度构建时,应当遵循司法规律与中国实际相结合之指导原则,在司法独立和司法责任之间寻求适当的平衡。还应当坚持主、客观相结合的基本原则,在范围上明确哪些行为不属于追责情形,在时效上正确理解"终身"的相对性,防止司法责任制适用的扩大化和任意化。在适用程序上,应当从责任承担形式、责任追究主体和责任追究程序三个方面构建和完善司法责任制。 The judicial liability system is placed on the basic position of new judicial reform, which is called as 'cow's nose' of the Reform. To establish and improve judicial liability system is an important guarantee of justice, and also an essential requirement for integration of power and responsibility as well as a corpus of common experiences of China and western judicial culture. The judicial liability system is a system of value diversities with judicialindependence as its prerequisite, improvement of judicial occupational treatment as its guarantee. In the establishment of the system, we should follow the guidance principle of combining the judicial rule with China's reality and keep an adequate balance between judicial independence and judicial liability. Besides, we should insist on the principle of combining subjectivity and objectivity, make clear he relativity of 'lifelong' and the conducts out of liability so as to avoid any exaggeration and arbitration in the application of judicial liability system. In the application procedure, the system should be established and improved in three aspects: undertaking form of liability, subject and procedure of liability prosecution.
出处 《中国政法大学学报》 CSSCI 2016年第2期31-41,158-159,共11页 Journal Of CUPL
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