
碘摄入与甲状腺疾病 被引量:43

Iodine intake and thyroid disease
摘要 碘是人体必需的微量元素,是合成甲状腺激素的主要原料。碘摄入不足或过量,不仅对甲状腺激素的合成和分泌有至关重要的影响,而且与多种甲状腺疾病的发生、发展、转归密切相关。碘摄入不足可引起地方性甲状腺肿、克汀病、甲状腺功能减退及甲状腺癌;碘摄入过量可导致甲状腺功能亢进、甲状腺功能减退、自身免疫性甲状腺疾病、甲状腺癌及高碘性甲状腺肿。针对人群,尤其是针对甲状腺患者进行碘摄入监测具有重大意义。 Iodine is a micronutrient that is essential for the production of thyroid hormones. Either iodine deficiency or excess will not only affect the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormone but also be related to the occurrence and development of thyroid diseases. Iodine deficiency can cause endemic goiter, cretinism, hypothyroidism and thyroid cancer; high incidence of hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroid disease, goiter, and thyroid cancer are associated with excessive iodine intake. It is essential to assess iodine nutritional status for the populations, particularly those with thyroid diseases.
出处 《中华地方病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期166-169,共4页 Chinese Journal of Endemiology
关键词 碘摄入 碘缺乏 碘过量 甲状腺疾病 Iodine intake Iodine deficiency Iodine excess Thyroid disease
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