

The Investigation of the Speech and Communication Curriculum in Shanghai
摘要 自编调查问卷,对上海市19所辅读学校言语沟通训练课程的现状进行调查。结果显示:该课程课时量少且分散;评估方式多样,但评估内容不全面,针对效果的评估有待调整;训练目标制定依据合理,但制定人员单一,效果不理想;课程组织形式多样,以个别化训练为主;教师专业素质欠缺,培训需求高;教师在实施过程中遇到诸多困难。文章对如何提升教师的专业素质以及如何改善言语沟通训练课程的效果提出了建议。 Speech-language teachers or part-time speech-language teachers come from 19 schools with intellectual disabilities in Shanghai participated in this study. The purpose of the study is to investigate the situation of the speech communication curricu- lum. The results are as follows : the amount of time in class is not enough and the class arrangement is not intensive ; the language assessment is diversity while the frequency of the training effect has to be adjusted; the base for the speech-language goals is rea- sonable, but the people who set the speech-language goals is single, the effect of speech-language therapy is unsatisfactory ; there are different forms of organization in class and it give priority to the individualized therapy; the teachers lack professional qualities and their demand for the training courses has been very high; the teachers face a lot of difficulties in implementing the speech- communication curriculum. The study gives some suggestions on how to improve teachers professional qualities and how to improve the effect of this course.
作者 赵曼
机构地区 保定学院
出处 《现代特殊教育》 2016年第6期47-52,共6页 Modern Special Education
关键词 言语沟通训练 课程 辅读学校 上海市 speech and communication treatment curriculum schools with intellectual disabilities Shanghai
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