

Outage Probability Performance of Multi-Antenna AF Relay
摘要 由于反馈时延、信道估计误差和频率复用的存在严重影响中继系统性能,研究了不准确信道状态信息(CSI)下,存在同信道干扰(CCI)的多天线双跳放大转发(AF)中继系统的中断概率性能。首先基于发射端存在反馈时延、接收端存在信道估计误差的波束成形(BF)模型,得到中继系统的输出等效信干噪比(SINR)。然后推导出输出信干噪比中断概率(OP),计算机仿真不仅验证了所提出的中断概率性能分析方法的正确性,并且在不同信道参数下,对系统中断概率性能的影响进行了分析。 Duo to the existence of feedback delay, channel estimation error and frequency reuse, the per- formance of relay system is severely affected, the outage probability performance of the multi-antenna two -hop AF (Amplify-and-Forward) relay system with imperfect CSI (Channel State Information) and CCI (Co-Channel Interference) is discussed. Firstly, based on the BF (Beam-Forming) model with feedback delay at source and estimation error at destination, the equivalent output SINR (Signal-to-Interference- Plus-Noise Ratio) for the AF relay is acquired. Then, the analytical expressions for OP (Outage Probabil- ity) are derived. Simulation results indicate the correctness of the proposed analyzing method for outage probability performance, and the effects of different channel parameters on outage probability performance of the relaying system are also analyzed.
机构地区 解放军
出处 《通信技术》 2016年第4期431-435,共5页 Communications Technology
关键词 放大转发中继系统 不准确信道状态信息 同信道干扰 中断概率 amplify-and-forward relaying imperfect channel state information co-channel interference outage probability
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