
渗透树脂在自然形成的早期齲损中渗透能力的研究 被引量:3

Study on Penetration Ability of Penetrating Resin in the Natural Formation of the Early Caries
摘要 目的研究渗透树脂和粘接剂在自然形成的早期龋损中的渗透能力。方法选取48颗患有早期龋损的离体恒磨牙和前磨牙,垂直龋损表面,将牙齿一分为二,随后,一半病损用渗透树脂处理,另一半用粘接剂处理。在双荧光模式下,用激光扫描聚焦显微镜进行观察,然后测量树脂的渗透深度,病损深度,同时计算渗透百分数。结果两组在病损深度的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但是在渗透深度,渗透百分数间的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),渗透树脂在自然形成的早期龋损中渗透能力较强。结论渗透树脂在自然形成的早期龋损中渗透能力极强,甚至能完全渗入病损部位内。 Objective To analyze the infiltration capacity of penetrating resin and bonding agent in early caries. Methods Chose 48 isolated permanent molar and premolar teeth who had early caries,devided them into two parts and half of them used penetrating resin while the other part used bonding agent. In the double fluorescence mode,we used confocal laser scanning microscope to observe the penetration depth of resin and lesion depth as well as the infiltration percentage. Results The lesion depth of the two parts was very close(P 0.05),while the penetration depth of resin and the infiltration percentage were obviously different(P 0.05). Conclusion In early caries,the infiltration capacity of penetrating resin is better and it can even infiltrate within the lesion site.
作者 霍永红
出处 《中国卫生标准管理》 2016年第4期30-31,共2页 China Health Standard Management
关键词 渗透树脂 早期龋损 渗透能力分析 Penetrating resin Early caries Infiltration capacity
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