
南京市MSM人群HIV新发感染情况及影响因素分析 被引量:18

HIV incidence and its associated factors among MSM in Nanjing
摘要 目的 了解南京市男男性行为人群(men who have sex with men,MSM)人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)新发感染率及其影响因素。方法 2013年4~8月在江苏省疾病预防控制中心健康咨询中心门诊基线招募MSM,2013年10月~2014年2月对不同时间进入队列的研究对象进行6个月的随访后,同时加入新MSM。基线及随访阶段均进行问卷调查和HIV、梅毒、单纯疱疹病毒2型(herpes simplex virus2,HSV-2)等血清学检测。结果 基线共招募MSM370名,HIV感染率为12.97%,在第6个月随访时,共随访到225人,随访阶段新入队列256名MSM,双向队列中MSM人群HIV新发感染率为8.40/100人年。多因素Cox回归分析显示,最近一年患过尖锐湿疣(HR=5.730,95%CI:1.351~24.312)、梅毒现症感染(HR=4.807,95%CI:1.838~12.573)均是HIV新发感染的危险因素。交互作用分析发现,尖锐湿疣合并梅毒或HSV-2感染时比单独或没有感染这两种性传播疾病(sexually transmitted disease,STD)时,HIV感染的风险大,且这三种STD分别与同伴教育存在时,同伴教育可降低STD原有的致HIV感染的风险。结论 南京市MSM人群HIV新发感染率较高,且梅毒、尖锐湿疣等性传播疾病可增加HIV新发感染的风险。 Objective To investigate the HIV incidence and its associated factors among MSM in Nanjing. Meth- ods Man who had oral or anal sex with man in latest year in Nanjing were enrolled into our baseline study in health and counseling center of Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention from April to August in 2013. From Octo- ber in 2013 to February in 2014, these MSM were followed after 6 months, and new expected MSM were also enrolled into the cohort at the same time. Questionnaire survey and serological tests for HIV, treponema pallidum and herpes simplex vi- rus 2 ( HSV-2 ) were performed among MSM in the baseline and follow-up study. Results All of 370 MSM were enrolled into our baseline study and the rate of HIV infection was 12. 97% (48/370). After 6 months, 225 MSM were followed up and 256 new MSM were enrolled. In the ambispective cohort, HIV incidence among MSM was 8.40/100 person-years. Multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed that having condyloma acuminatum (CA) infection during the latest year (HR =5. 730, 95%CI: 1. 351-24. 312) and syphilis infection (HR =4. 807, 95% CI: 1. 838-12. 573 ) were significantly associated with HIV seroconversion. Interaction analysis revealed that MSM with coinfection of CA and syphilis or HSV-2 had higher risk of HIV infection than those with infection alone or without infection, and peer education could decrease the risks of HIV infection when MSM with STD infections received peer education. Conclusions HIV incidence is very high in MSM population in Nanjing. The infection of syphilis or CA can increase the risk of HIV incidence.
出处 《中华疾病控制杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期333-336,356,共5页 Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention
基金 国家自然科学基金(30872156) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20130092110048) 江苏省卫生厅科技项目(H201330)
关键词 HIV 因素分析 统计学 性行为 HIV Factor analysis, statistical Sexual behavior
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