通过调查得出点火喷嘴实际喷油量远高于点火燃烧器供风量相对应的理论喷油量 ,其差值往往占整个点火用油的 5 0 %以上。实验室试验及实际锅炉燃烧现象表明 ,其差值的极大部分为不完全燃烧损失。因此 。
Through investigation, it is obtained that the actual oil-spraying quantity of an ignition nozzle was far greater than the theoritical quantity corresponding with the air-supplying quantity of the ignition burner. The difference between them is often accounting for more than 50% of the total oil consumption for ignition. The experiments in laboratory and the combustion phenomena in actual boilers show that the most part in the said difference to be imperfect combustion loss. Hence, a huge oil-saving potential is determined by doing well the work of matching the air quantity with the oil quantity.
Thermal Power Generation