
教师提问与学习者批判性思维能力的培养 被引量:50

Investigation into Students' Critical Thinking Development Through Teachers' Questions
摘要 本研究以社会文化理论为框架,以英语专业大二两个自然班的39名学生为研究对象,运用定量研究方法探究大学英语议论文写作教学过程中教师提问与学生批判性思维能力提高之间的关系。研究发现,(1)将批判性思维分项技能作为具体目标,在课堂上、课下辅导中和笔头作业反馈中提供有针对性的教师提问能有效提高学生的批判性思维能力;(2)学生在内化目标技能过程中会出现反复;(3)针对具体技能开展密集训练,效果可能会更好。研究表明,教师提问对培养学生批判性思维能力有积极作用。 This study adopted a quantitative design to explore the effects of a teacher's questions on the development of students' critical thinking in argumentative writing class from a sociocultural perspective. The participants were 39 sophomores from two intact classes. The results showed that:( 1) teacher's questions targeting specific critical thinking skill in the classroom and in after-class conferences,as well as in written homework feedback are effective.( 2) Students regressed while internationalizing the teacher's questions.( 3) Intensive training targeting certain specific skill might be more effective. The findings indicate that teachers' questions facilitate students' development of critical thinking.
作者 陈亚平
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期87-96,146-147,共10页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 全国教育科学规划教育部重点课题"高校英语专业技能课程与思辨能力培养研究"(项目编号:GPA115061)子项目研究成果
关键词 社会文化理论 批判性思维 教师提问 sociocultural theory critical thinking teacher's questions
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