
他者的想象:西方公众视域下的中国高等教育之“解读” 被引量:7

Imagination of the Other: China's Higher Education in the Western Media
摘要 长久以来,中国的高等教育作为西方高等教育的"镜像他者",在西方的公众视域之下一直被塑造出一种复杂的面貌。大致而言,造成西方对中国高等教育系统特殊解读的原因主要有三:一是由于中方在留学市场中独立权的缺失而使自身成为西方视域下"被动的他者";二是由于西方自我投射与绝对真理的缺失使得这种解读具有两难性;三是由于缺乏在场的第三者,使得中国高等教育系统成为"缺失"的候补,自然也成为西方视域下比较体制中的工具。当前我国已逐渐走上高等教育国际化进程,双边的交流日益频繁,无论是以他者的解读为反思更好地认识自身教育系统,抑或是以己为镜独立而坚毅地探索一条适合自身的发展之途都是值得尝试的,这些都有助于更好地完成高等教育范式转型。 China has long been viewed as a complicated ' Other as the Mirror' in the Western media. Such is also the case with Western interpretation of China's higher education system,which tends to be biased and negative due to the following three reasons. Firstly,China assumes a rather passive and subordinate position in the market of international education. Secondly,the West has difficulty in understanding China because of inevitable self-projection and the elusiveness of truth. Thirdly,China is chosen as a framework for understanding the West because there is no third party available. With the rapid internationalization of higher education,China has come into much closer contact with the West. Through others' eyes,we can get a much better understanding of ourselves and would be able to formulate growth strategies especially suitable for our own higher education.
作者 张睦楚
出处 《现代大学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期35-43,112,共9页 Modern University Education
基金 国家留学基金委"建设高水平大学中外联合培养博士研究生" 项目编号:201406040084 中国学位与研究生教育学会"前科研时代的博士生培养模式之探析--以多伦多安大略教育研究院(OISE)教育学科为例" 项目编号:2015Y0509 加拿大社会科学与人文研究理事会(Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada SSHRC)资助项目"The Comparative Internationalization of Higher Education in China Means for Canada in Terms of Knowledge Diplomacy"
关键词 他者 高等教育 教育模式 公众视域 教育国际化 镜像他者 the Other higher education education model the mass media internationalization of education Other as the Mirror
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