An alleged defendant can apply to the court for reverse actpreservation when irreparable losses are rendered due to the actions conduced by aplaintiff including bring a lawsuit, making a complaint, sending a warning letter andmaking a public statement etc. During the course of a court trial and by a final rulingis rendered, the alleged defendant can apply to the court ordering that the plaintiffshall allow the defendant to freely engage in certain activities and shall not impairand interfere with the defendant’s activities and prevent the defendant from doing so.The competence of the defendant for reverse act preservation is not subject to whethera counterclaim is filed. A Licensee can claim act preservation provided that he isjustified to bring a lawsuit. The rights of licensees to file a lawsuit in a tort litigation isbased on litigation other than substantive rights since the right of use obtained throughlicense in nature is a right of creditor. In tort litigation, the right of licensees in anexclusive license agreement to sue for infringement is statutory, while the right oflicensees in a sole license agreement and a non-exclusive license agreement to bring alawsuit is arbitrary. Licensees under exclusive license agreements may file a lawsuit;licensees under sole license agreements may file a joint lawsuit together with therights holder or independently if the rights holder fails to file a lawsuit; and licenseesunder non-exclusive license agreements may file a lawsuit if explicitly authorizedby the rights holder. The rights to bring a lawsuit may be specifically stipulated andagreed upon by licensees and rights holder in a license agreement.
Science Technology and Law