
营造良好涉外司法环境 推进“一带一路”战略实施——以跨境上市纠纷法律适用为中心

Establishing Sound Foreign-related Judicial Environment to Promoting One Belt One Road Strategy:From the Perspective of the Application of Law in Cross-border Listing Disputes
摘要 日益增多的跨境上市纠纷,因其专业性和复杂性,为涉外商事裁判带来挑战。通过对有关VIE和VAM协议数个案例的研究,从法律适用角度,提出司法要保持审慎态度,不能将类似协议一概认定为无效。要准确适用违反强制性规定和公共政策,充分尊重商事交易规则,尊重当事人意思自治和保护投资者利益。裁判者要具有包容性思维和前瞻性的眼光,不断丰富有关领域的专业知识;当事人尽量选择仲裁方式解决有关纠纷;学者要加强研究,为司法实践提供理论指导。 As the number of cross-border listing disputes increases,it is much more difficult for courts to make judgments be- cause of the specialization and complexity of these disputes. Through studying cases related to VIE and VAM contracts, this pa- per proposes that the court should be discreet to invalidate these contracts absolutely. The court should be prudent in application of laws, applying mandatory rules and public policy accurately, showing full respect for general commercial transaction rules and party autonomy, and safeguarding rights and benefits of investors. Judicators should be more inclusive and forward-looking, and keep expending knowledge on cross listing. The parties had better choose arbitration to settle disputes as much as possible. Scholars should research on this issue in depth to provide theoretical guidance for the judicial practice.
作者 郭玉军 司文
出处 《山东科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第2期20-27,共8页 Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
关键词 协议控制 对赌协议 跨境上市 Variable Interest Entity Valuation Adjustment Mechanism Cross Listing
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