

Effect of ketamine on the electrophysiological properties of the isolated outer hair cells(OHCs) from the cochlears of SD rats
摘要 目的:评价氯胺酮对SD鼠耳蜗外毛细胞(OHCs)电生理特性影响并分析其机制。方法:自身前后对照。18~21 d龄健康SD鼠20只,急性分离OHCs,随机选取活力高OHCs,应用膜片钳全细胞记录模式记录:(1)钳制电压(V_h)-70 m V,比较7个OHCs在给药正常细胞外液L15(C组)、100μmol/L氯胺酮(K组)时的电流-电压(I-V)曲线;(2)V_h=3 m V,记录7个OHCs在浴液先后灌流L15(K_1组)、100μmol/L氯胺酮(K2组)、L15(K_3组)中给药100μmol/L乙酰胆碱(ACh)触发的ACh电流(IACh)。(2)V_h=3 m V,记录7个OHCs在先后灌流L15(S_1组)、0.1μmol/L士的宁(S_2组)、L15(S_3组)时给药100μmol/L氯胺酮触发的氯胺酮敏感性电流。结果:(1)与C组相比,K组在大于-36 m V电位上膜电流明显减小,但两组反转电位无明显差异;(2)3组IACh幅度差异不显著;(3)3组氯胺酮敏感性电流幅度差异不显著。结论:氯胺酮可抑制OHCs生理感受器电位范围(-100 m V^-30 m V)外全细胞电流,该作用与乙酰胆碱类神经无关。 Objective To investigate the effect of ketamine(Ket) on the electrophysiological properties of the outer hair cells(OHCs). Methods OHCs were isolated from 20 healthy SD rats with the age of 18 - 21 d. Vigorous OHCs were randomly chosen and self-matching compared. Whole-cell patch clamp was performed in this study. Holding 7 OHCs at-70 m V(V_h), I-V curves were compared between group C(drug L15) and group K(100 μmol / L Ket). IAChinduction of 7 OHCs by 100 μmol / L ACh at 3 m V(V_h) was recorded with the extracellular perfusing L15(group K_1), then 100 μmol / L ket(group K2) and last eluting with L15(group K_3).Ket-sensitive currents at 3 m V(Uh) of 7 OHCs were compared with 100 μmol / L Ket drug with the extracellular perfusing L15(group S_1), 0.1 μmol / L strychine(group S_2) or last eluting with L15(group S_3). Results Ket inhibited the cells currents of OHCs at membrane voltage(Vm) over-36 m V.2, but without significant differences in reversal voltage. No significant differences in IAChand Ket-sensitive currents in 3 groups. Conclusion Ket could inhibite the whole cell currents of OHCs at unphysiological receptor potentials, without association with the cholinergic efferent nerve.
出处 《实用医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第9期1391-1394,共4页 The Journal of Practical Medicine
基金 广东省科技计划项目(编号:2014A020212583)
关键词 氯胺酮 听力 外毛细胞 乙酰胆碱 电生理 Ketamine Outer Hair Cells Auditory Acetylcholine Electrophysiology
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