
全国改善医疗服务第三方评估调查 被引量:20

Third-party evaluation of China Healthcare Improvement Initiative
摘要 对《进一步改善医疗服务行动计划》(以下简称"行动计划" )开展独立第三方评估调查,描述了第三方评估项目的设计与实施、分析与发现、结论与建议等。本次评估除了征集到367件典型案例之外,还抽取了全国31个省、自治区、直辖市的136所三级医院,对每所医院"行动计划"的落实情况进行评估,并随机抽取了84 230名患者和医护人员进行问卷调查。主要发现:我国三级医院在落实"行动计划"的过程中取得了一定的成绩,平均得分70.4分(满分80),患者满意度较高(门诊患者总体满意度为86.4分,住院患者总体满意度为93.1分);患者满意度相对较低的方面是门诊等候时间和住院期间的膳食质量。相对患者较高的满意度,医护人员的职业认同感不高,仅有38.5%的医护人员认为所从事的工作得到社会的认可和尊重,64.5%的医护人员不认为现行服务价格体现了服务价值。医护人员认为提高其职业满意度的重要因素依次是薪酬待遇、执业安全、社会信任,影响服务改善的重要因素依次是政府投入、就诊环境、医患沟通。 An independent third-party evaluation was made for the Healthcare Improvement Initiative( the Initiative), describing the design and implementation, analysis and findings, with conclusions and recommendations of such an evaluation program. 367 typical cases were collected in this program, along with a random sampling of 136 tertiary hospitals in 31 provinces and 84 230 patients,doctors and nurses for questionnaire survey of the Initiative implementations. Findings are as follows: the Initiative implementation has scored initial success, averaging a satisfaction scoring of 70.4 (80 for full score). Overall patient satisfaction scored high in general(86.4 and 93.1 for outpatient and inpatient services respectively). Lower scoring was found in such aspects as outpatient waiting time and inpatient canteen food quality. In contrast to such high scoring, satisfaction of medical workers scored rather low in terms of their professional identification. Only 38. 5% of the doctors and nurses surveyed said that their work was adequately recognized and respected by the society, and 64.5% of the medical workers said that the current remuneration scheme was not worthwhile compared to the true value of their medical services. Key factors for higher professional satisfaction, as said by these medical workers, were remuneration,practice safety and social trust in turn, while those for better service were government financial support, outpatient environment, and doctor-patient communication in turn.
出处 《中华医院管理杂志》 北大核心 2016年第6期404-409,共6页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration
基金 国家卫生和计划生育委员会委托项目(2015) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费(2013)
关键词 改善医疗服务行动计划 患者 医护人员 第三方评估 全国 Healthcare Improvement Initiative Patient Medical workers Third-party evaluation National
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