
兴奋剂案件在国际体育仲裁中的证据规则研究 被引量:1

Research on Evidence Rules of Doping Cases in International Sports Arbitration
摘要 近年来,兴奋剂案件在国际体育纠纷案件中的比例越来越高,不同的兴奋剂案件的处理质量参差不齐。兴奋剂案件纠纷的解决,主要也是通过仲裁的方式进行的,证据规则是整个程序的灵魂,兴奋剂案件的仲裁裁决研究对国际体育的发展具有重要意义。通过四个方面对兴奋剂案件在国际体育仲裁的证据规则进行研究:一,国际体育仲裁中兴奋剂案件现行证据规则分析;二,国际体育仲裁院兴奋剂案件仲裁证据规则的理论分析;三,国际体育仲裁院证据规则适用存在的问题及完善;四,国际体育仲裁兴奋剂案件证据规则改革构建的思路。针对兴奋剂案件的现有问题,国际体育仲裁可以通过制定专门的兴奋剂案件证据制度,修改举证规则和确立证据的审查认证制度及对策,使兴奋剂案件的国际体育仲裁证据规则更加完善。 In recent years,doping cases in international sports disputesoccupy higher and higher proportion,deal with different doping cases of uneven quality. Doping disputes resolution,is mainly through the arbitration,and rules of evidence is the soul of the entire program. Doping cases of arbitration verdict research has important meaning to international sports development. In this paper,through the four aspects of doping cases in international sports arbitration rules of evidence were studied: firstly,analysis rule evidenceofinternational sports arbitration in cases of doping current; secondly,the theory analysis of international sports arbitration court cases of doping arbitration rules of evidence; thirdly,international sports arbitration court rules of evidence applicable problems and the improvement; fourthly,the construction of international sports arbitration doping case pieces of evidence rules reform ideas. Aiming at the existing problems of the doping cases,international sports arbitration can be through the development of special doping case evidence system and modify the rules of evidence and the establishment of the evidence review of certification system and strategy,and make the doping cases of international sports arbitration rules of evidence more perfect.
作者 敬文
出处 《广州体育学院学报》 北大核心 2016年第3期23-28,38,共7页 Journal of Guangzhou Sport University
关键词 体育仲裁 兴奋剂案件 证据规则 适用 完善 sports arbitration doping cases rules of evidence application perfect
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