
20世纪五六十年代美国中央情报局对中国西藏的情报评估与侦察 被引量:1

CIA Intelligence Assessment and Reconnaissance of Tibet in 1950 s and 1960 s
摘要 20世纪五六十年代,美国中央情报局十分关注中国西藏局势的发展。西藏和平解放前后,美国中央情报局多方收集有关信息,对人民解放军进藏和西藏局势进行评估。西藏叛乱及平叛后,美国中央情报局动用了各种侦察手段,诸如使用U—2飞机进行航拍、通过西藏叛乱分子袭击解放军车队截取情报、向西藏派遣间谍人员、安装设备窃听电话,等等。美国中央情报局收集的情报为美国政府制定其西藏政策提供了重要决策依据。 In the fifties and sixties of the 20 th century,the U. S. CIA( Central Intelligence Agency) closely watched what was happening in Tibet,China. Around the peaceful liberation of Tibet,CIA collected relevant information in various manners,and assessed the situation there and the PLA entry into Tibet. Following the Tibet Insurgency and the counter insurgency,CIA employed different means of reconnaissance,for instance,using U- 2 Aircraft to take aerial photos,associating with rebels in Tibet in attacking PLA vehicles to intercept intelligence,dispatching spies to Tibet,installing equipment for phone hacking. The intelligence thus collected provided the US government an important basis for decision- making concerning its Tibet policy.
作者 郭永虎
出处 《军事历史研究》 2016年第3期41-48,共8页 Military History Research
基金 2012年国家社科基金项目"近代以来西方报纸涉藏报道研究"(12BZS088) 2014年国家社科基金西部项目"后冷战时代美国太平洋司令部对亚太区域安全格局的型塑研究"(14XSS008)
关键词 美国中央情报局 中国西藏 情报评估 中美关系 the CIA Tibet China intelligence assessment Sino-US relations
  • 相关文献


  • 1KennethConboy and James Morrison,The CIA's Secret War in Tibet,University Press of Kansas,2002.
  • 2JohnKenneth Knaus , Orphans of the cold War : America and Tibet Struggle for Survival, New York: Public Press,1999.
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  • 6DNSA,CIAadds to IM-305 that Mao described operations against Taiwan and Tibet as a " serious task ," June 19 ,1950 Jim 19,1950. Document Number; CK3100393018.
  • 7DNSA,SituationReport,July 20,1950,National Security Agency : Organization and Operations,1945 -2009,HN00406.
  • 8DNSA,SituationReport, July 27,1950,National Security Agency : Organization and Operations, 1945-2009 , HN00415.
  • 91950年8月10日,中央情报局从一个“未经证实的新闻报道”获悉:中共将军刘伯承宣布8月8日中共军队将开进西藏.
  • 10DNSA,World Situation Summary no confirmation of invasion of Tibet; Report. Aug. 18,1950. Aug 18,1950. Document Number:CK3100382268.


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  • 2Foreign Relations of the United States,1958-1960, Vol.ⅪⅩ, Memorandtma of discussion 403rd meeting of NSC, April 23, 1959. Washington D C: United States Government Printing Office, 1996, p.755.
  • 3Lowell Thomas, Jr, The silent War in Tibet, New York: Doubleday, 1959, p. 128
  • 4DDRS, National Intelligence Estimat, Annex B: Military, 29, June 1962. # 13 - 4/1 - 62 (Supplement NIE) , g3010- 1998.
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  • 10NSC5412/1.缩微胶卷:《国家安全委员会文件》(美国大学出版公司),第4卷(Start of Reel 4, Document of the National Security Council, 1944- 1977, Microfilm, University Publication of America, 1980) .










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