
着舰指挥官指令操作关联引导系统建模 被引量:1

Modeling landing signal officer instruction associated with operation guide system
摘要 为保证航母舰载机着舰过程中着舰指挥官(Landing Signal Officer,LSO)对于驾驶员操作引导的安全性,建立了一种"LSO-驾驶员-舰载机"指令操作关联引导系统,通过深入剖析LSO引导任务,明确控制难点,定义指令操作基元概念,阐述引导着舰纠偏过程中的指令操作基元的集合性,设计建立LSO指令操作关联引导模型,LSO依据舰载机实时飞行状态下达"飞行状态关联指令",驾驶员依据LSO指令执行"指令关联操作",可以实现完整的指令操作基元响应纠偏.针对不同飞行偏差状态下指令操作关联引导过程进行仿真,结果表明本文设计的引导控制模型对于着舰偏差修正准确,纠偏策略符合实际着舰情况,为舰载机着舰安全性的提高提供了帮助. To ensure the operation safety of landing signal officer( LSO) to pilot during carrier- based aircraft landing,this paper proposed a "LSO- pilot- aircraft"instruction associated with operation system. To analyze LSO guide mission and design instruction associated with operation element the relationship and matching of "LSO- pilot- aircraft"system were exhibited by instruction associated with the operation model,and "instruction sending- operation responding- deviation correcting"process is realized based on LSO guidance instructions( original version),aircraft real- time flight states( boundary conditions) and pilot response operation( model output). Multiple loading conditions simulation results show that corrective strategies was in line with the actual situation of carrier- based aircraft landing.
作者 王宏欣 李晖
出处 《哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第2期190-195,共6页 Journal of Harbin University of Commerce:Natural Sciences Edition
基金 黑龙江省自然科学基金(F201349)
关键词 着舰指挥官 指令操作关联模型 引导系统 舰载机 landing signal officer(LSO) introduction associated with operation model guide system carrier-based aircraft
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