
团体间竞争对儿童社会行为的影响 被引量:1

Group-Based Competition Matters: Effects of Group-Based Competition on Children's Social Behavior
摘要 竞争是人类社会活动的最重要表现形式之一,对个体或者群体的行为产生重要影响。有关竞争对个体行为的影响越来越受到来自各个学科领域研究者的关注。本文系统论述了团体间竞争情境对儿童社会行为(平等行为、利他/利己行为和风险偏好)的影响。文章首先介绍儿童的团体间竞争情境的操纵方法、国际广泛使用的内团体偏好(ingroup bias)的测量方法以及团体间竞争影响儿童的社会行为的相关研究,最后在已有文献的基础上提出未来研究的方向。 Competition is one of the most important forms of hu- man activities and has an important impact on indi- viduals' group behavior. As such, the influence of competition in individuals' behavior has received in- creasing attention from researchers in a variety of re- lated fields. In this review, based on our previous se- ries of work ,we mainly discuss the influence of inter- group competition on children' s social behaviors (prosocial and risk preference). First, we introducethe way to manipulate between-group competition in the context of young children, and then discuss the influence of such a competition in children' s social behavior( e. g. , egalitarianism, altruism, self-interest, and risk preference). Finally, we put forward some suggestions for future studies in this emerging field.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2016年第2期99-111,共13页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 江苏高校哲学社会科学重点研究基地重大项目--江苏省社会与行为科学实验中心(2015ZSJD001)--01个体与团体的社会认知与情绪产生机制
关键词 团体间竞争 亲社会行为 风险偏好 儿童 intergroup competition, prosocialbehavior, risk preference, children
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