70年代以后 ,西方各国先后进入后工业社会 ,与其相应的官僚制陷入了困境。于是 ,西方各国掀起了旨在否定官僚制的行政改革浪潮。而处于国际大背景中的我国必将受此浪潮的影响 ,但我国的处境又极为特殊。本文从我国的特殊国情入手 ,透析我国现阶段经济基础、组织及其文化的劣根性 ,从而判定我国尚处于官僚制不足阶段 ,必须强化官僚制的优点 ,弱化其缺点 ,并借鉴别国成功经验 ,对我国行政体制进行理性构建 。
With the going of 1970's, most Western countries experienced the crisis of bureaucracy which could not have an active response to the social development, namely, the coming of a post-industrial society in those countries successively. Consequently, the administrative reform against the bureaucracy started in those countries. Of course, the above-mentioned reform had its effect on the bureaucracy in China, although the situation of China's bureaucracy was something special. The author hereafter in this paper draws a conclusion that the brueaucracy in China is still at its beginning stage based on the analysis of the current economic base and organizations in China, and the inferior characters in the Chinese cultrue. Furthermore, we should develop what is healthy and discard what is not in the construction of the administrative system in China, thus establishing the administrative organization system characteristic of China.
Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition