In China,some species of Bupleurum (family Umbelliferae) have been used as Chinese traditional medicine under the name “Chai-Hu” for the treatment of fevers and influenza.In the present paper,the authors report a study on the investigation and exploitation of new medicinal resources of “Chai-Hu” in Qinghai Province and Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region where no one has studied this hitherto.18 species,7 varieties,I form of Bupleurum and a new species (Bupleurum qinghaiense) have been discovered.The taxonomy and preliminary phytochemical studies of the roots of three medicinal plants,B.qinghaiense,B.rnarginatum var.stenophyllum and B.smithii var.parvifolium.are reported in this paper.
柴胡为著名的常用中药,近年来需要量日增,而药典规定的正品柴胡资源日渐减少,急待开发新药源。中国伞形科柴胡属有40种以上,其中有很多种在产地或民间早已作柴胡药用,本文报道青海省和西藏自治区调查柴胡资源和利用的情况,发现共有柴胡属植物18种7变种和1变型,其中1种为首次发现的新种,订名为青海柴胡Bupleurum qinghaiense Y.Li et J.X.Guo,Sp.Nov.并按国际命名法作了拉丁文植物描述。调查在当地作为柴胡药用的共有三种,即青海柴胡、小叶黑柴胡 Bupleurum smithii Wolff.var.parvifolium Shan et Y.Li、窄竹叶柴胡 Bupleurum margmatum Wall.ex DC.vat.stenophyllum(Wolff)Shan etY.Li 作者对此三种药用柴胡进行分类学研究、挥发油含量测定和柴胡皂甙的初步分析为今后开发利用这些资源提供了有价值的科学依据。